OK! So let me tell you a little story about the best birthday ever. I asked God to give me a little gift but wasn't sure what it would be, and I wasn't sure that it would happen. I got home from working at the social work store/thrift shop when I went to lunch and I saw that they made me some pretty awesome cards. Ana gave me a scarf, and they made me a cake. Most of this, except the scarf, wasn't a surprise as it seems to be tradition here, even though they keep it on the "DL". Then I went, took a birthday nap, we rehearsed our puppet show and our dances and went to bible study. After Bible study, the girls all took me out for a Cappuccino Keep in mind this was at like 10:00 at night. When we got back, I look in the kitchen and saw that the dinner table was all set, and I had no idea why because we never eat dinner together. Then they say, someone from church made dinner for you! When I look in the pot, I saw the yummiest lentels ever! Then they showed me pudding and a card that said "God bless you always, you're the sweetest girl I know. Love, Rocio." That rocked my world because God answered my prayer, and I didn't really expect Him to. I mean, I thought that the lunch and cake and coffee were enough!! But dinner and a card and cake is probably the best thing in the world. GOD IS SO STINKIN' GOOD! SERIOUSLY! This is 100% proof!
Thank you all so much for the greetings, for the presents, the cakes, and the dinners. Thank you, God, for your blessings that I don't deserve! Wow. Just, wow. I'm in shock, I'm humbled, and I give all the glory to GOD!

"Surprise" birthday cards.

Birthday cake! Thanks Eli. It was delish.

Surprise birthday dinner. No, really. HUGE surprise!

Birthday pudding!

These girls took me out for coffee before dinner. Love them so much.

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